Thursday, June 18, 2009

frozen fruit

Freeze your own fruit!  Seriously, it's so easy, and tastes so good!  Cut-up or leave whole, put on cookie sheet (I cover mine with wax paper or silicon sheet), put in freezer, and then transfer to freezer ziploc bag.

Our favorites so far...

  • whole strawberries (perfect for shakes & smoothies)

  • blueberries (eating frozen or adding to pancakes)

  • pineapple (cut into chunks, then eat frozen or for smoothie)

  • bananas* (cut into circles, sprinkle w/ sugar, freeze, then eat frozen)

  • raspberries & blackberries (eat frozen, for shakes/smoothies, add to jello, thaw for ice-cream)

I haven't tried peaches... yet, but really want to.

What are your favorite fruits to freeze?  I'd love to hear and get some more ideas, especially now when fruit is at it's best!

*I also freeze over-ripe bananas, in their peel, to use for banana bread at a later date



  1. grapes are really good frozen treat. also watermelon. I buy the bag of frozen peaches at Costco and they are great for smoothies.

  2. You have to do peaches! It makes the best ice cream (just add milk, ice, a bit of sugar, and blend).

  3. Grapes! I totally forgot about grapes! I don't like 'em (make me too cold), but whenever Grandma is in town they always do frozen grapes. Thanks for the reminder!
